The school is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday through Friday during each of the 4 terms.
The office can be contacted during these times by visiting the front desk or calling the school on 9336 1739, alternatively you can send an email to
When contacting the school to talk to your child/ren(s) teacher please be mindful that during the day teachers will be in class and unable to speak to you. You can call the office to book in a time to talk to the classroom teacher.
We encourage all families to contact their child/ren(s) classroom teacher as a first point of call to develop the teacher and family relationship which is vital to ensure the success of all students.
Contact can also be made via compass and seesaw.
It is important that your child attends school regularly, however if she/he is sick, home is the best place to be. The school needs to be notified of your child’s absence from school. This may be done personally, by telephone, via the school email or via the COMPASS Parent Portal. If you know in advance that your child will be absent for any reason, we would appreciate it if you could contact the school via our COMPASS Parent Portal or school email or provide a written note. If a child is marked absent and this has not been explained an automated email will be sent to the nominated email address as per the Department of Education requirement asking for an explanation of absence.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Formal Parent/Teacher Interviews are held twice a year usually early in Term 1 and at the end of Term 2 (parents/carers are notified via separate notices and the newsletter). In addition, written reports are distributed Term 2 and Term 4. Throughout the year additional information is communicated via the Seesaw App and/or the school’s website.
You are welcome to discuss issues related to your child at any time during the year; however, we request you make an appointment with your child’s teacher to arrange a suitable time and not disturb them while they are teaching/supervising children.
For security reasons all parents/visitors must first report to the General Office upon entering the school grounds. Visitors are required to sign in using the Compass kiosk and collect a badge to wear whilst in the school grounds. All visitors must sign out at the office before departure.