School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a school-wide framework for teaching, modelling and reinforcing appropriate and positive behaviours. Learning and behaviour expectations are clearly defined in each classroom and are aligned to our school values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, RESILIENCE and ASPIRE. Positive behaviours are promoted and acknowledged, using recognition and reward systems, with an aim of preventing problem behaviours before they arise. A consistent approach to managing inappropriate behaviours is adopted by staff, and supported by the leadership team.

SWPBS practices and interventions have been designed using research and evidence that have been proven to be effective. Introducing, modelling, and reinforcing positive behaviour is an important factor in students’ social, emotional and academic learning.
Teaching behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding.
Teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for these is the proactive approach we promote within the school community. Consistency across the school ensures all students are aware of expected behaviours in any learning or play space.
Implementing SWPBS improves schools climate and helps keep students and teachers in safe and productive classrooms by
reducing disciplinary incidents (including suspension and expulsion rates)
improving attendance rates
increasing a school’s sense of belonging, safety and atmosphere
supporting improved academic outcomes
Mission Statement
At Keilor Heights Primary School, we aim to create a happy, safe and supportive environment for all students which will inspire and challenge them to achieve their personal best. We focus on the ‘whole child’ which includes the academic, social and emotional development of every student, with a focus on developing critical thinkers and lifelong learners. This mantra drives the school improvement agenda. The school motto of “Aiming for Excellence” guides the daily interaction and ensures there is a partnership between home, school and the local community.
School Values
It is the expectation that all staff, students, parents/carers and visitors to the school display our KHPS values at all times.
Respect- We respect ourselves, connections with others, diversity, and the school environment. We demonstrate respect by showing consideration, compassion, understanding and patience.
Responsibility- We strive to make good choices for ourselves and others by being dependable, independent, helpful and caring.
Resilience- We are able to respond to challenging situations through reflection, engagement and perseverance.
Aspire- We are all encouraged and challenged to achieve our best and maximise our potential in all facets of school life.

SWPBS Systems and Support
SWPBS systems and structures are implemented to support student engagement and learning.
Rights & Responsibilities
RIGHT TO BE SAFE – Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable at school
RIGHT TO LEARN – Everyone has the right to learn as much as possible
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY – I do the right thing
COMMUNAL RESPONSIBILITY – I encourage others to do the right thing
Student Support
Our Tier 2 student support includes differentiated programs of small group intervention that support students in their social, emotional and academic learning. This may include social skills groups, life skills, literacy intervention and numeracy intervention. We are fortunate to have dedicated Education Support Staff who work together with the Wellbeing Leader and classroom teachers to plan and implement such programs.
Start Up Program
At KHPS each class begins the school year implementing the ‘Start Up Program’. Students undertake activities where they get to know each other and their teachers, identify personal strengths and traits, set classroom routines, expectations and responsibilities. The main focus of the program is incorporating our school values into the curriculum and across the whole school community.
Expected Behaviour Matrix
The matrix below outlines the expected behaviour of the K.H.P.S. community anytime, anywhere. The matrix was developed by the school Wellbeing Team, with student voice and is in response to our 4 school values: Aspire, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. The matrix is displayed in all learning and play spaces across the school and referenced on a regular basis to promote positive behaviour by all.
NOTE – Text in this image is too small to read. Is there a larger copy available?

KHOIN Token Reward System
When students demonstrate positive behaviours we acknowledge their efforts with a token reward system, universally used across the school. Students are awarded a 1, 5 or 10 value KHOIN (Keilor Heights coin) and they accumulate KHOINS to trade at the KHOIN Trade Shop, which runs fortnightly on a designated lunchtime. The token reward system encourages students to strive, make wise choices and set personal goals as they reward themselves for being good citizens of the KHPS community.

Classroom routines/ schedules
As part of the Start Up Program, classes develop routines and roles and responsibilities to ensure organisation and smooth running of classrooms. Class timetables and Daily Schedule boards are just a few displays you may see upon entering any one of our classrooms. These tools assist students in preparing for their learning by being organised with the correct resources and knowing the structure of their day.

Monitoring & Assessment
AT K.H.P.S. we continually monitor student wellbeing through our Compass Chronicle data, our Staff Wellbeing Team, a dedicated staff role as a Wellbeing Leader, and ongoing professional learning of our staff.
In the past 12 months members of staff have undertaken professional learning in the areas of Berry Street Education Model, Respectful Relationships, SWPBS training, SWPBS Behaviour Champion Training, the new Child Safe Standards and the Disability Inclusion Program. We are a school committed to ensuring the wellbeing and safety of our students are our highest priority.